Sunday, November 25, 2012

Benefits of Chiropractic Care during Pregnancy

There are numerous benefits to receiving holistic chiropractic care during your pregnancy.  After a recent experience with a first time mother, I thought it would be beneficial to list these benefits.  I am currently expecting my second child and have received regular adjustments for my changing body to aid in adjusting to my postural changes.  I hope after reading this list of benefits you too will consider chiropractic care for your natural birthing plan.

Before beginning this list, let’s define what holistic chiropractic care means.  Holistic chiropractic care encompasses not only musculoskeletal care including manipulation and massage therapy but also nutritional support, exercise planning, and acupuncture therapy all of which are safe during pregnancy and can treat virtually any issue you confront during an uncomplicated pregnancy.

Dr. Nathani’s Top 5 Reasons for Receiving Holistic Chiropractic Care During Your Pregnancy

1.   Published research suggests that regular musculoskeletal manipulation during your pregnancy improves probability of successful natural birthing.
2.   Reduced time of labor and delivery (American Pregnancy Association) – The recent patient I mentioned above labored for 5 hours and pushed for 30 minutes.  This is quite remarkable for those first time mother’s reading this article. 
3.   Balance the changes that occur to the body from increased weight, change in how your weight is distributed, and ligament laxity from hormonal changes.  Chiropractic adjustments can alleviate the infamous pain in the buttocks that is commonly related to your ever changing pelvis and the sacroiliac joint (also lower back pain, carpal tunnel, neck pain, mid-back pain, foot pain, headaches – too name a few conditions I have treated successfully with chiropractic care during pregnancy).
4.   Promoting the turning of a breech baby using chiropractic manipulation (At Holistic Vitality Center, you also have other natural options including acupuncture and lifestyle recommendations for turning breech babies).
5.   Prevention of potentially unnecessary interventions such as Cesarean delivery and pain controlling modalities by preparing your body for the laboring process.

Future posts….

What are the benefits of nutritional therapy and acupuncture for the pregnant woman?

My first labor and delivery was in the hospital setting and I have chosen to have my second child in a birthing center.  I look forward to sharing this experience with you and the difference between the two.